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Dan Barrus

Dan Barrus

Author of:

Hunting and Fishing Bloopers
Wyoming's Best Kept Secret
Everything I Would Need For Life, I Learned
As A Scout
Memoirs of a Rescuer on the Second Rescue of the Willie & Martin Handcart Companies
The Willie Carson Saga: Jeremiah 2020, Big Sky Vigilante, Gem State Warden, Paint Creek Prodigal, Cloud Peak Refugee, and Aleutian Sourdoughs
The Barrons: An American Story
The Absarokas


Wyoming's Best Kept Secret

Hunting and Fishing Bloopers

Everything I Would Need For Life, I Learned As A Scout

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America's Favorite Past Time

Jeremiah 2020

Memoirs of a Rescuer on the Second Rescue of the Willie & Martin Handcart Companies

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Construction Hiccups Part I

Big Sky Vigilante

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Gem State Warden

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Paint Creek Prodigal

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Cloud Peak Refugees

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The Barrons: An American Story

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Aleutian Sourdoughs

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The Absarokas

In The Press




In Hunting and Fishing Bloopers, I relate to the humorous side of life in the outdoors as can happen to anyone. Maybe by reading these episodes, you will be able to avoid some of your own bloopers, if nothing else is accomplished. Both of us can have a good laugh at my expense. I hope you enjoy every one of them as I did. Remember to laugh at yourself along the way. 


In Memoirs of a Rescuer on the Second Rescue of the Willie & Martin Handcart Companies, I relate my personal experiences in designing and constructing several monuments to their heroic journey. I also become directly involved in performing over four thousand temple ordinances for these pioneers and their rescuers. The Trek Movement, which is being felt throughout the world, had its beginning in Riverton, Wyoming. I am proud to have helped a small part.  



  In this book, I relate experiences from my love of baseball all the way from a 5-year-old Bat Boy to a semi-Pro baseball pitcher. I explore the intricacies that are present every time a big league hitter faces the opposing pitcher on the mound. I also share insights I had as a manager and coach of adult fast pitch softball teams. Coaches, umpires, players and fans will learn what goes on behind the scenes of baseball as it is played today. Readers can relive their youth as they read story after story about Little League, Babe Ruth, and Slow Pitch Softball. It is a fun book to spend time reading.



 Willie Carson is a troubled man. His wife, Annie, is taken from him early in life. He chooses to run away from his problems. He has been abandoned by  everyone including God. He leaves his mountain home and with his companions, Sac and Buck, he attempts to find answers.

He begins a trip into the wildernesses of Northwest Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park The year is 2020 and the regulations of the government bureaucrats hinder Willie at every turn He only wants to be left alone. But he continues to violate rule after rule. He eludes each government authority as he  hides from each of the governing authorities. Many of the locals step in to help against the Canadian wolves and the Grizzlies that have overgrown Yellowstone.



The Saga of Willie Carson moves from Montana into Idaho. Yellowstone Park shares its beauty both in Big Sky Country and with the Gem State. Willie and his friends find new and exciting challenges as he collaborates with the Forest Services officials. The threat of grizzlies takes over as Willie’s prime directive. He wants them controlled inside Yellowstone but much of the nation feels




The Apsalooke (Crow Tribe) located in a region called ‘Our Mountains’. Their primary source of food and lodging was the famed Big Horn Mountains. Many called the Crow Indian Tribe, the Sheep Eaters. The sacred nature of these mountains would play an indispensable role in the Western movement across the American continent. These Big Horn Mountains provides the setting for this unique historical novel.

Fort Laramie,  Bozeman Trail, Sitting Bull,  Powder River, Medicine Wheel, Cloud Peak, and Pryor Gap are all names that connect this oft-misunderstood and forgotten region of the Great Plains. Located half-way between the Absarokas of Yellowstone and the Black Hills of the Dakotas, this mountain range continues to play a key role in the history of our nation. 


The Last Frontier, Land of the Midnight Sun, Seward's Folly are all names given our forty-ninth state. But when Alaska was dubbed America's Icebox, the truth became painfully apparent. Alaska is a state of extremes ranging from over 100 degrees above zero in the summer to -80 degrees in the frozen winter. Purchased in the 1800s, Alaska did not yield any return until gold was discovered on the Klondike River By the turn of the century, over a billion dollars in gold was mined in Alaska.​

Gold was just the beginning. The bounties of the Alaskan Frontier blossomed Wildlife, fishing, War, and crude oil would each play its part in Alaska's development. But the influx of settlers had begun. 'Cheechakos' (newcomers) came by the thousands from all over the globe. But Alaska would take its toll, leaving only the hardy 'Sourdoughs' to survive.



I was privileged to live in a time and place of my own choosing.This is very special to me. Even if I were a youth today, many of the stories related in this book could not happen again. I hope each of you enjoy the experiences as I relate them. Maybe they will spark an interest or a desire to experience nature as I was able to in Wyoming's Best Kept Secret. 


In Everything I Would Need for Life, I Learned as a Scout, I relate true experiences as a young scout all the way through many overnighters and scout camps to training a patrol of adult scouts on how to make their troop the best it could be. Please join me for the ride as I grow from a young twelve-year-old Tenderfoot to a seasoned leader of youth.




 My career in construction began at an early age. I share stories that involve me as a young laborer, Journeyman Carpenter, Superintendent, Estimator, and Construction Manager throughout the Western United States. Building projects of various sizes and difficulties are included as the settings for many varied unusual and humorous stories. Accomplishments and frustrations are shared as I worked around home construction to large commercial projects. I relate stories from concrete production, superintendencies, estimators, and management follies.  



  The Saga of Willie Carson continues as he crosses into Big Sky Country. Montana holds many new adventures as well as new friends. Doc and Lori provide the opportunity to help Willie and his companions, Sac and Buck. The history and people of Montana unfold as Willie undertakes to help with the Canadian wolves and grizzlies. Ranchers, outfitters, and local residents gather round Willlie to confont the intervention of government into their lives.

Life continues to change for Willie as he makes new friends. Each and every one of them is helping Willie to evolve. Is he prepared to accept these changes? Come explore Montana with Willie, Sac, and Buck.



The Saga of Willie Carson takes a drastic turn for the worse. The families and friends he has encountered are inadvertently set aside as Willie returns to Wyoming. But the Wyoming he knows and loves is quite different than what he encounters in Jackson Hole. The history and the scenery are as pristine as ever, but the people he encounters are self-consumed. Willie realizes this but before he can return to the people he loves and relies on, he has to experience the other side of Wyoming.



The History of the Midwestern United States is fascinating. The peoples involved, the land and the waterways, and its evolution have been guided by an unseen power. 

The story of our country is replete with individuals that have been guided here for specific reasons. The story of the Barron family begins during these changing times. The Barron family exemplifies the American spirit. Not just in their successes but also in their failures. The difficulties faced by each family member personify why some excelled in the battle and others are defeated. The path followed is indeed the story!


Sherrif Roundy is combatting crime on several fronts. The Wind River Indian Reservation is a haven for crime. Drug Trafficking has become the "Black Bart" on the Res. Product is coming in from Mexico, Canada, and even from within. The FBI, BIA, and Tribal Police are righting against the odds. Fremont County, Wyoming is the setting for the novel It is Kay and his compadres that must find the criminal and a way to control them.

Will they be overrun by the illicit drug lords of the twentieth century? Or will they together be able to preserve the historical tranquility of the Old West? Come join the Fremont Country Sheriff's Department as the battle organized crime in twentieth-century Wyoming. 


Teddy Roosevelt called it the ‘most scenic fifty miles in America’  Originally called the ‘Stinking Waters’ this drainage holds wonder and amazement. Much of the volcanic formations along its route have been christened by man, The Laughing Pig, the Old Woman and her cabin the Elephant Head, Henry Ford Rock, and Castle Rock are but a few scattered up and down the Shoshone River.

      This story in the twentieth century evolves around Ansen Eddie. He is a real live character that lived along the Northfork and the Southfork of the Shoshone River. Most of his story is true but the early childhood and adult years have been enhanced to fit the story. Ranger Paxton is a fictitious character created to match many Forest Service Rangers that I have known.

      The beauties of the mountains and god’s hand in their creation is manifest to me daily. The Absarokas are indeed the ‘Most Scenic in America’ as I have experienced them. I love these mountains!



Hello, I am Daniel Scott Barrus more commonly known as Dan. Let me introduce myself. I was born and raised in Cody, Wyoming just a stone's throw from Yellowstone National Park. I was raised as an avid outdoorsman that loves sports. I became involved in Scouting at an early age when my mother became a Cub Scout Leader. She would spend the next 35 years as a Den Mother and earn her Silver Fawn award. I also began playing baseball at age 4 as a Bat Boy for my Dad's team. He would continue coaching Little League for the next 35 years as well.


As a Scout, I earned every award available to me culminating with my Eagle Rank and Duty

to God award at age sixteen. I have served as a Scoutmaster in three different troops and worked in several

district positions. I was awarded the Silver Beaver Award and my On My Honor award as an adult. And while in

High School, I lettered in five different sports. I also graduated with Honors and was a member of the National

Honor Society.


Upon graduating from High School, I attended BYU and graduated with a degree in

Construction Management. I was privileged to serve an LDS Mission to Colombia, South America. I was married

to Jeanette Noble in the Idaho Falls Temple and we have four children and seventeen grand-children. I raised my

family in Riverton, Wyoming.


While in Riverton, I continued with my sports interests. I officiated Basketball, Baseball,

and Soccer for the next twenty years. I also served as the President of the Officials Association and the local

Homebuilders Association. I was self-employed in Commercial Construction for ten years. Following the

graduation of my children, I worked the Western United States building Home Depots and WalMarts. I was OSHA

trained and certified. And acquired various certificates in testing, inspecting, and managing commercial

construction projects. I spent five years as a Construction Manager for the City of Boise specializing in LEED award

winning projects.


I have worked as a licensed Big Game Guide and Outfitter. At present I drive bus for C & M

Transportation. That includes local school routes and over the road assignments. I continue to pursue my hobbies

of fishing, hunting, photography, and recently Writing.



The Absarokas - Preorder Available
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Phone: (208) 351-2809

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