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The Apsalooke (Crow Tribe) located in a region called ‘Our Mountains’. Their primary source of food and lodging was the famed Big Horn Mountains. Many called the Crow Indian Tribe, the Sheep Eaters. The sacred nature of these mountains would play an indispensable role in the Western movement across the American continent. These Big Horn Mountains provides the setting for this unique historical novel.

Fort Laramie,  Bozeman Trail, Sitting Bull,  Powder River, Medicine Wheel, Cloud Peak, and Pryor Gap are all names that connect this oft-misunderstood and forgotten region of the Great Plains. Located half-way between the Absarokas of Yellowstone and the Black Hills of the Dakotas, this mountain range continues to play a key role in the history of our nation. The Mountain Men knew it well as did the early prospectors. Gold, silver, crude oil, uranium, and King coal have each participated in forming our self-sustaining United States.





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